union() { color("gray") translate([0,0,0]) sphere (r= 2.8, $fn = 50); difference() { cube(size=5, center =true); translate([0,0,2]) cube([4.25,4.25,15],center= true); translate([0,0.6,0]) cube([4.25,15,4.25], center= true); translate([0.5,0,0]) cube([15,4.25,4.25], center= true); }} module sphere_shell() { color("gray", 0.5) for (i = [0:45:360]) { // Z-axis for (j = [-80:160:80]) { // Y-axis rotate([j, i, 0]) { translate([0, 0, 2.8]) { cylinder(r1=0.13, r2= 0.05, h=4.5, center=false); } } } } } // Adding additional legs along the sides of the cube (4 sides) for (x = [-2.3, 2.3]) { translate([x, 0, -5]) // Legs placed along the X-axis cylinder(r=0.3, h=2.7, center=false); // Leg with a radius of 0.4 and height of 3 } for (y = [-2.3, 2.3]) { translate([0, y, -5]) // Legs placed along the Y-axis cylinder(r=0.3, h=2.7, center=false); // Leg with a radius of 0.4 and height of 3 } sphere_shell();