====== Fabvisio ====== October - December 2017 \\ Project's holder: **Romain Mekarni** [[romain.mekarni@gmail.com|romain.mekarni@gmail.com]] This project has been designed for the FabLab Sorbonne University. All rooms are connected by the same subnet. ===== Requirements ===== A server is required to concentrate all camera image flows. We juste use a simple computer running linux but it can be a rasberry pi to limit the energy consumption. If computers are in a router subnet (like WiFi) you need admin access to the router configuration interface. We need one computer per video stream. Raspberry preferred. {{:wiki:projets:are2017:raspberry1.png?200}} One camera per video stream. It can be : * a classic webcam * a raspberry camera (for raspberry only) * a larger type of camera like a notebook camera (For example g9bc0004h410) {{:wiki:projets:classic_webcam.png?150}} {{:wiki:projets:camera_raspberry.jpg?150}} {{:wiki:projets:notebook_camera.jpg?150}} One screen per room : computer screen, TV. ===== Configuration ===== __**Each computer with camera runs a [[https://motion-project.github.io/motion|motion]] server.**__ This is the configuration file for simple motion server with 1 camera : vim ~/.motion/motion.conf output_pictures off # motion can detect motion and save images by default. It can produce a lot of images stream_maxrate 10 # only 10 frames per seconds is enough stream_localhost off # access authorized by network stream_port 8081 This configuration file can activate a daemon service. It's a process running **vim /etc/systemd/system/motion.service** [Unit] Description=Motion daemon After=local-fs.target network.target [Service] PIDFile=/var/run/motion.pid ExecStart=/usr/bin/motion -n -c /home/fablabuser/.motion/motion.conf <-- careful here : put your user's home folder Restart=always RestartSec=10 StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=motion [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Then, it becomes possible to manipulate the camera server with : systemctl start motion systemctl stop motion systemctl enable motion <-- to start motion at boot-up __**One computer runs a simple [[https://github.com/indexzero/http-server|http server]].**__ Nodejs makes us easy to run a web http server with a simple command. ===== Blog ===== what are you up to still working on raspberry Pi? using Mac Mini can be better ? where is the screen? entrance? (picture can be great) how hard is to work with university network? what tech do you think to use for making the visio Still thinking to use Raspberry Pi cam? ===== Debate ===== **I don't want to be watched over the internet.** You will not be. The video is only streamed over local network, and is **not accessible outside** (internet). **I don't want to be recorded.** You are not. The video is only streamed over network and **never stored** in hard drives. **Should we agree to be observed over the network ?** Only local network. You agree to this when entering in FabLabSU rooms. (check your rights for your project) **I don't want to be monitored.** You can see people who can see you. If someone really wants to monitor you, he will found a better way than a 1024x768 camera.