**Voici l'ébauche du programme du polarimètre:** #include int PhotocellPin = ?; int PhotocellReading; Stepper analyzer(# of steps, pin 1-4); Stepper rotar(# of steps, pins 1-4); int echantillon = 1; int AnalyzerSteps = 0; int RotarSteps; int alpha; void setup () { analyzer.setSpeed(rpm); rotar.setSpeed(rpm); serial.begin(9600); } void loop () { PhotocellReading = analogRead(photocellPin); serial.print("value= photocellReading"); if(echantillon < 4) { if(PhotocellReading > ?) { analyzer.step(1); AnalyzerSteps = AnalyzerSteps + 1; PhotocellReading = analogRead(PhotocellPin); } Else { serial.print("total steps= AnalyzerSteps"); alpha= ((AnalyzerSteps/# of steps)*Y)*360; serial.print ("Alpha = alpha"); analyzer.step(- AnalyzerSteps); rotar.step(?); AnalyzerSteps = 0; echantillon = echantillon + 1; } } echantillon = 1; delay