=====Game of Drone - PolyE2i====== ===Parts list=== ===1. Frame - SK450=== [[wiki:projets:PolyE2I:Datasheets & documentations]] {{ :wiki:projets:polye2i:frame.jpg?direct&300 |}} In order to respect Game Of Drone specifications, we decided to use a lightweight and narrow frame. Our choice is a SK450 frame, it is a 45 centimeter in diameter frame. This one is large enough to provide us a good stability and narrow enough to go through hoops during th competition. {{youtube>oKg_7jTXf7o?large}} ===2. Motor=== [[wiki:projets:PolyE2I:Datasheets & documentations]] {{ :wiki:projets:polye2i:motor.jpg?direct&300 |}} Their motors are brushless motors, they are usually used in quadcopter design. We choose these motors because 3S and 4S batteries are supported allowing us to change configuration by just changing battery and propellers. These motor have a 1000 rpm/V (which means that our motor is able to do 1000 rotations per Volt -> 14800 rpm for a 4S LiPo configuration without propeller). The choice of your rpm/V will depend on the configuration you want. If you want do build quadcopter for FPV, you will need a low rpm/v rate because the objective is to have a very stable quadcopter. In this case, low rpm/V with bigger propeller will ensure you to stay stable in the air. On the opposite, if you want an agile quadcopter you will prefer a higher rpm/V, smaller propellers and a ligth frame. ===3. ESC=== [[wiki:projets:PolyE2I:Datasheets & documentations]] {{ :wiki:projets:polye2i:esc.jpg?direct&300 |}} The reason why we choose this ESC is that it can handle a max current of 30A. It is large enough to control our motor which can request 21A at full speed. Moreover, it seems to be that Turnigy parts are good value. No part has been burn out during our tests so we can say that this stuff is quite reliable. ===4. Flight controller board=== [[wiki:projets:PolyE2I:Datasheets & documentations]] {{ :wiki:projets:polye2i:multiwii_pro.jpg?direct&300 |}} This flight controller is very cheap and reliable. In the controller, several components are present: * Gyroscope * Accelerometer * Barometer * Magnetometer * GPS * 3 serial port * Servo output for camera pitch and roll control * FTDI: On-board USB connection for programming * Up to 8 motors controller This controller is based on an open source code which can be uploaded on the board thanks to the arduino development environnement (Arduino 1.0.5) You can control your quadcopter or modify your PID parameters thanks to a Bluetooth dongle plugged on a serial port and a smartphone application (Multiwii GUI on the Play Store. This is very usefull when, you will start your tests. ===4. RC radio=== [[wiki:projets:PolyE2I:Datasheets & documentations]] {{ :wiki:projets:polye2i:radio.jpg?direct&300 | Radio Spektrum DX6i}} This RC radio allows you to store 10 models in memory. In our case, you need at least 4 channels to control your quadcopter. We choose a 6-channels radio in order to have 2 channels available for auxiliaire commands. Back to the main page [[wiki:projets:PolyE2I]].\\