This tutorial has been written for the CIF user that has already modeled their pieces using another existing program. Galaad is a rather capable CAM software, however there are a host of other CAD softwares that are better suited to design work. Therefore, the operations presented in this tutorial are simply on the “machine side” of the fabrication process.
programmes du modelisation.
Step 1: Preparation of stock material : Learn how to choose a piece of material for your given project. A brief over-view of a vernier and some basic dimensional considerations are explained.
Step 2: Importing into Galaad : We will give a brief over-view of the Galaad work environment. Galaad will support basic 2D work and has a set of in program tools that we must become familiar with.
Step 3: Setting up a "Tool Path" : This is the “core” of our tutorial. Here we will be introduced to many different operations that Galaad is capable of performing. I have presented a “case study” on each individual option that can be found in the “machineing functions” for galaad. An example as to how we can tie all of these together has been provided at the end of this section.
Step 4: Machine settings : After our tool path has been created in the precedeing section, we must calibrate and set up our machine. These operations are fairly straight forward no matter what kind of machining is to be done (2D, 3D, circuits).
Step 5:Installing a tool : This section provides a short protocol on how to best handle tool changes with the CIF in a safe and efficient manner.
Make a PCB engraving frame : This example will invoke all of the previous lessons with the goal of building a basic 2D object. We will be building a small Plexiglass PCB frame that we will later use to hold down PCB material for making circuits in our next section.
Table of Contents