Game of Drone - PolyE2i

Welcome in the tutorials page

Here you will find everything you need to easily build your quadcopter

1. Quadcopter frame assembly - SK450
2. Motor
3. ESC

Connect the ESC as describe in the ESC datasheet.

{{ :wiki:projets:polye2i:esc_connection.jpg?300 |

As you can see on this photo, opposite motors are in the same configuration. However between the two axis, you need to switch two phases (motor on the left goes Red to Red & Yellow to Blue and motor on the rigth goes Red to Blue & Yellow to Red). The result is that on one axis the motors will turn in the same direction and on the other axis they will turn in the opposite direction. It will prevent the inertia on your drone and parasite yaw on it.

4. Fly controller

Connect the ESC to the fly controller as describe in the fly controller datasheet.

Download multiwii source code:

You can load it in the flight controller thanks to arduino 1.0.5 software

Download multiwii GUI, it is the interface that will allow you to change your parameter.

You can also use a smartphone app (Multiwii EZ-GUI) with a bluetooth module plugged on one serial port of the multiwii board.


Our configuration is a “plus” configuration. The advantage of this config is that your setup must be symetric so if you can setup PID for one axis (pitch for example) the other one should be the same….but be carefull it is not always the case.

PID Setup procedure:

Watch our video to have more details !! XP

## video ici

6. Time to fly

Once you have configure you PID it's time to take off.

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