Rocket Camera

The objective of this project is to conceptualize, simulate, and build a functioning rocket with the following capabilities:

All parts of this rocket have been included as .STL files and the original models have been designed using “AutoDesk Inventor Student Version” and can be provided to anyone interested via e-mail.


The .STL files are found here:

Notes for 3D printing

The Part “Rocket Fins” has been designed with a wall an overall wall thickness of 2.4mm. In order to print a solid, perfectly fused part, this needs to be taken into account. If the 3D printer is equipt with a 0.4mm extruding nozzle, 3 shells should be selected for the printing parameter. If the 3D printer is equipt with a 0.8 extruding nozzle, this part MAY NOT PRINT WELL (his has not been tested).

Fabrication of the Rocket: (COMING SOON) img_2410_1_.jpgimg_2411_1_.jpgimg_2412_1_.jpgimg_2413_1_.jpg

Rocket Motor


The fabrication of rocket motors is inherently dangerous and this tutorial has only been included for educational purposes. I would advise that any user purchase an Estes class F motor which has an outer diameter of 29mm.


…that said, I have used an artcile, "Potassium Nitrate based Rocket Propulsion" as starting point to design a reliable motor.

Within the article the authors designed a motor with the dimensions: 21cm long by 2.5 cm in diamanter and therefore a total volume of approximately 104cm cubed.

According to the author, the motor has the impulse rating of 80-160 Ns (Class G rocket)

However, this article stated that the Rocket Nozzle was exerimentally designed by Richard Nakka.

After doing some research online, I quickly determined that the physics of a rocket nozzle is not something that can be learned inside of a week. The previous mentioned page by Mr. Nakka offers a host of open-source simulation software to help in the design process of amateur rockets. After visiting a number of rocketry club websites and other tutorials, I have seen his website come up numerous times and have taken the personal choice to trust the integrity of his software.

The software required is called: ProPEP3

This software does not require GUIPEP to run the graphics interface. By following the basic installation instructions on the website you should have the program up and running very shortly.

Nozzle Simulation

This program will allow us to input up to ten different chemical compounds and will out put the combustion temperature, molar mass, and chemical composition of a combustion reaction. I advise very heavily that you take the time to read the provided user manual as it will explain the program in much more detail than i will provide here. In the following tutorial, I will be identifing only the parameters and mixtures that will help us design our rocket nozzle.

The GUI provides 4 tabs:

  1. Propellant Formulation
  2. Grain Information
  3. Test Burns
  4. Compute A&N

  1. Under the menu “Ingredients”, give your recipe a 10 character name
  2. Select a drop box and scroll down to fill out each given ingredient (Potassium Nitrate, Sorbitl, Iron Oxide)


It should be noted that this simulation CAN NOT account for burn rates of a given solution as it is highly dependant on the volume/surface ratio of the final “fuel cell”. Beyond that, the propogation of the ignition, humidity, environment… all play a role in burn rates and therefore the overall debit of gas.

It is for this reason that, this simulation has given us a “rough idea” of the performance of our rocket motor. It is NOT to be treated as a perfect simulation by any means.

Nozzle/Casing Design

When designing the rocket & motor casing we must take consider the following:

  1. The motor casing must be as light as possible
  2. It must withstand 68ATM (Determined via Simulation)
  3. It must sustain 1600K (Determined via Simulation)
  4. Have the overall dimensions 2.98cm OD x 9cm (To maintain an equal volume with respects to the article
  5. A “de Laval” nozzle is required to boost specific impulse of the rocket

The solution decided upon was that of a compound motor casing, made from a plaster mold and an ABS outter shell. A plaster mold was chosen as a potentionally good casing material as well as a nozzle. A 4 piece mold was designed on “Autodesk Inventor Student Version” and the .STLs are available here (Autodesk files are available upon request):

Base 1 & 2 are each 20cm long and may require access to a large format 3D printer. Our pieces were printed using an Ultimaker with 0.4mm extruders and were created using PLA.



  1. We have our four individual mold parts
  2. The grey “internal parts” fills the space where the future propellant and nozzle will be placed. The blue “bases” form the outter cylindrical shell of our future motor case. The space created between the grey/blue surfaces is 2mm wide and will be the cavity that we will be filling with plaster.
  3. Upon closer inspection as to where the 2 “internal parts” one can see that the cavity will be much thicker in this area and the profile does in fact create our “de Laval” nozzle. The expansion ratio between the throat/exit is 3.3:1 with a 7mm throat and a simulated Specific Impulse of 130seconds.
  4. The second Base closes on top of the other 3 pieces and a 3D cavity is created for the cylindrical motor casing.

A crude simulation was created using FEMM 4.2 to demonstrate the propagation of heat from the center of the motor to the outside of a 40mm OD Plaster insulator. FEMM To do this with FEMM 4.2 a few “liberties” were taken to try and approximate the burning of the fuel.

Credit to the FEMM 4.2 Official Manual

In this tutorial we will see how to very easily create a time dependant simulation using Euler's Method.

We assume also that the rocket will burn with peak thrust within the order of seconds. This has been based upon the article sited in the begining of this tutorial. We can see below that their rocket burned for near 45 seconds with a pressurized chamber for only 2.5-3.0 seconds. The temperature is assumed to be at the previously simulated 1600K. The time leading up to this intense burn can not be assumed to be at 1600K as it is under ambient pressure.


The final result of our simulation can be seen here in a GIF: This is a 13 second simulation of the heat transfered from the buring motor to the outside surface of the plaster casing.

Wireless Communication

Data acquisition