Table des matières

What we've done

For this project we studied briefly the effects of an electrostatic field imposed upon a polarized particle. We designed an electrical device that allowed us to have a voltage difference of appoximatly 30kV between our cathod/anode. This difference of voltage (noted as “V” in the calculations), is found between an anode and a cathoded at a given distance (noted “d”).

From our limited “understanding” of Townsend discharges realised that we will need to create an electrostatic field sufficiently intense to accelerate the composition of air ( N2, O2, CO, Ar…) over our cathode/anode distance with enough final kinetic energy where the “ion/ion” or “ion/electron” or “ion/atom” collision would ionize.

We can simplify this system and consider the acceleration of a single particle in an electric field:

Note There are minor changes from the above KiCad photo to the final circuit

Our circuit was finally routed with relatively large insulating routes around the track. The machine spindle was set to 1/2 speed and the advancement was set to 8mm/second.


High Voltage Capacitor

What to be aware of when building HV capacitors

As all the capacitors we had were not rated for HV we had to build our own, so we first tested different techniques:

All in

We then decided to do this in a more methodical way:

High Voltage Prob

To create a HV voltage probe for this project we simply applied the classic “Voltage Divider” :

Where we used: Our Resistors (R1 & R2) were specialised High Voltage Resistors We selected the MOX-2-12 series as they resisted up to 20kV

Since our volt-meter only is reliable upto 2kV on its own, we needed to divide our input power by a factor of 10 to be able to read 20kV of our generator.

The values chosen were 100Mohm for R1 & 10Mohm for R2 (we had to add more resistors :80kOhm to R2)

R2 was then placed in parallel with the standard lab Multi-metre which we measure to have had an impedance of approximatly 13Mohm (we can call it R3).

Placed in Parallel with the Multi-meter: R2'= R2*R3/R2+R3 = 5.65Mohm

Finally we have an output voltage of: V(out)=V(in)*(R2'/R2'+R1)

V(out)= V(in) *0.053

where V(out) < 2kV Therefore, we have built a very basic high-voltage probe that can measure up to 37.7kV which surpasses our initial design goal.

-add margin of error-

The Vaccum