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  • *Objectives: Home automation(IOT) to control home hardware devices (home appliances) by IOT. Here I would like to propse to monitor temperature and humidity in home, Control the light, camera, Door lock using mobile phone via internet and more appliances. Core Items 1,Arduino 2,wifi shield 3,bluetooth shield 4,Temperature and humidity sensors 5,Rpi(if necessary) 6,mobile phone with internet and bluetooth connectivity etc.. Basics Steps to acheive the goal Step1: Control the led using mobile phone (I am using android). The conectivity with bluetooth Step2: To collect the temperature and humidity and send to messsage to our phone Step3: To control door lock and camera by mobile phone Step4: Put every things together Control the led using mobile phone Here I am using Arduino and bluetooth module to connect mobile phone. In the below picture I have attached the model of arduino and bluetooth with connection.(Further Details coming soon) There are many open sourse apps are available to connect between bluetooth and android phone here in this project i use Ardudroid. In this first step I am using simple way to control the normal LED here after I would like to shift to control the bulb via relay. To collect the temperature and humidity For temperature and humidity sensor i use DHT11 by use of this sensor we can collect the data(temperature and humidity) from DHT11 by using our home network we get the data to our mobile phone or email or twitter.(Further details coming soon) To control door lock and camera **
wiki/projets/home_automation.txt · Dernière modification: 2020/10/05 16:39 (modification externe)