/* === Project-universal Constants === */
Not all of these variables are used in this specific model, but the same variable set is used across all models in this project.
$fs = 0.1;
inch = 25.4; for mm conversion width of base
baseSizeY = 2*inch;
centerY = baseSizeY / 2; both axes go right down the middle of the base stepper motor
stepperZSize = 42;
stepperYSize = 42;
608 bearing bearing608Height = 8.5; bearing608Diameter = 22.5; height of holder for 80/20 screws
mountPlateHeight = 5;
axis heights threadedAxisHeight = stepperZSize/2 + mountPlateHeight + 4; smoothAxisHeight = (threadedAxisHeight-6.6) / 2; smoothRodRadius = 4.2; syringe properties
barrelDiameter = 25;
barrelSlotThickness = 3;
barrelSlotHeight = 28;
syringeCenterHeight = threadedAxisHeight + bearing608Diameter/2 + 4 + barrelDiameter/2;
fixes render oddities floatCorrection = 0.001; floatCorrection2 = 2*floatCorrection; 8020 mounting plate
screwPlateSize = 25;
screwRadius = 3.5;