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The Galileo is an “opensource”, low-power embedded system-on-chip, rapid prototyping board. It is fairly comparable to the Raspberry PI3 although there are differences. The Intel Galileo is interesting as it offers the ability of Server hosting like the Rpi, however it is also entirely arduino compatible. The “quark X1000” processor was codesigned by Intel & Arduino. The card is entirely compatible with all capteurs/commands/libraries that are used with the Arduino Uno R3, and therefore can act as a great platform for IoT projects.

This tutorial serves as a means to familiarise a new user with what exactly an Intel Galileo is. This tutorial is aimed at the FABlab memeber who has never used a Galileo & does not have any particulary profound knowledge of imbedded circuits or programming. We offer 4 sections:

Galileo Basics -In this section we offer the basic specifications of the board. Beyond that, we will offer a short list of important terms and concepts as to familiarize a new user with the vocabulary needed to understand this tutorial. Finally, a complete list of materials and programs used in this tutorial is included.

Arduino Interface - Learn how to download the Arduino IDE onto the galileo and run the basic “Blink LED (pin 13)” example.

Terminal interface - We will use the “PuTTY” terminal emulator to create a connection with the Galileo Gen 2 and test the classic “Hello World” example. In the second part of this section we will install a more complete version of Linux onto the Galileo Gen 2 and develope some basic skills for networking such as the use of SSH and PSCP

Host a server using the galileo : With the ethernet port now activated we will explore a few different methods of exploiting this capability. We will start with the use of the Arduino IDE and then explore the capabilites of Node.js using Intel's XDK IDE.

wiki/tutoriels/intel_galileo.txt · Dernière modification: 2016/12/22 16:39 de royce